Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The Last Day of Being 26 and Being Youth

April, 1st Two Thousand and Six, Friday

I've been youth from April, 1st Nineteen Seventy Nine 'till yesterday. Today i've changed. I've grown. I've become a different person. Still me, only this time i'm mature. Yup, enough of being youth for 26 years. This is the time for being mature.

Yesterday i'm still thinking i'll become a queen, a massive life with the fulfillness of materialistic thing. Still thinking i'll beat the fate with my power and abilities that i thought was very-very capable of. Still thinking that i'll reach the highest mountain and the deepest ocean. But that's the youth's dreams.
Today i'm only me. I'm not a queen. I can't beat the destiny. I'm not at the highest mountain or in the deepest ocean. I accept my destiny, my fate. I'm not lost. Only stop dreaming. Stop being youth. I'm mature now.

My matureness not just happens in a blink of an eye. It cost a lot of time, soo many sacrifice, a big number of pains and many-many fallness. It's impossible to get through that without a lot of help, a lot of luck and a lot of patience. My family, my friends, my enemies, my troubles, my happiness, my sadness, my anger, my lovers. Those bunch of things that make the impossible became a realistic thing. Be mature became a possible thing. And i've reach it.

The incridible-outstanding-tireless-understanding people has brought me to this point. A grateful words can't describe my feeling for them. To every single people who surrounded me with love,strength,energy and support i thank you. Thanks for being here with me. Thanks for all the share. Thanks for helping me being mature. For showing the way, the way to be me. Love you guys....

(can't live without you guys...)


At 8:27 PM, Blogger tika said...

kenapa kok kamyu berhenti bermimpi, berarti kamyu udah ga hidup dong, menapaki realita bukan berarti melupakan impian dan cita cita kan : )

At 7:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sebagai seorang manusia yang hidup dan bernafas dan menjalani kehidupan di bumi yang terus berputar, bukankah mimpi itu penting? Tanpa mimpi, seseorang tidak akan berarti apa- apa. Ia hanya seonggok daging, yang berjalan kekiri- kekanan, kedepan-kebelakang, muter-muter, maju-mundur, bahkan mungkin loncat-loncat atau lari-lari. Terus seperti itu, mengikuti alur kehidupan, terlempar kesana kemari, tanpa berusaha untuk menjadi sesuatu atau meraih sesuatu. Hanyalah makhluk hidup berotak yang tidak mampu menggunakan otaknya!!!

At 1:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeeee yipie !! Happy mature ! It's the call of nature !

At 8:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

threre is no IMPOSSIBLE in this world!!! vinka, ga ada yang ga mungkin di dunia ini...kita cuman butuh waktu untuk mencapainya...Allah menciptakan semuanya untuk didalami dimengerti dan dicari jawabannya...ada pesawat yg bikin kita bisa melihat awan tanpa harus kita punya sayap..ada kapal selam yg bisa bikin kita melihat dalamnya lautan tanpa harus mempunyai insang...ada lampu yg bisa bikin kita bisa melihat di kegelapan malam...intinya selama manusia bisa bermimpi dan tidak pernah berhenti bermimpi maka kita akan selalu berkembang terus terus terus dan terus....
buat aprie pengen tetep hidup itu cuman ada dua hal yaitu...TERUS BERMIMPI DAN YAKIN BISA MERAIH MIMPI !!! simpel bangetskan...

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